• SURFER 10.
  • Principles of Sedimentology and Stratigraphy.
  • Introduction to Physical Geology - Thompson and Turk.
  • 3-D seismic interpretation.

0 seismic monitors to korea nuclear test


Failure of Korea nuclear test

After a period of north Korea nuclear explosion , expert realize that the explosion is small energy , the nuclear explosion is measured by kilotons equal to explosion of thousands of tons of tnt , almost nuclear explosion was of nearly (5-25) kilo tons , trenty explosion in 1945 was of 20 kilotons , but Korea test was of 1/2 kilotons.

Some said that there is no nuclear explosion, and the explosion for tnt , but there is radiation of xenon that gathered from air specimens , that means that there is nuclear explosion because xenon is a chemical elements come from nuclear reaction.

In 9/10/2006 seismological sensors detect a quake of 4.2 and its center was north east Korea ,the president of korea said that they will do anuclear test , that make seismologists take attention because there is more that 20 quake of such energy was recoded in this area .

These detectors said that this test fail because of the small energy

As they know the geologic area they will differ between nuclear test and earthquakes ,firstly , nuclear explosion cause p.waves (pull push) but with high amplitudes in the first recording (high peaks in first ) , but for earthquakes ,amplitudes is small in first that hardly noticed and then increase in intensity (small peaks and the high peaks)

Explosion donnot make s. waves from , but come because it cause twist of surroundings rocks and emit energy from it 

Geology also can trick us , for examples , p.waves can converted to s.waves whan move through dilatational surface ,and also volcanic tuff can cause stop of s.waves.

u.s.a failed due to this reason to detect 26 experiments of Russia in middle Asia , because the energy was less than one kiloton. 

now . there is a net of seismological instruments in middle east to not allow iran have nuclrear weapons ,this net belong to comprehensive nuclear test ban organization that have 170 station allover the world not allow making nuclear tests in secret.


Scientific American magazine

S. Simpson

May-June 2007